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API Reference



Resource Types


A lab instance is created as a specific instance of a deployed lab, using the configuration from the corresponding lab template.

Field Description
apiVersion string ltb-backend.ltb/v1alpha1
kind string LabInstance
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec LabInstanceSpec


Configuration for a lab node.

Appears in: - LabTemplateSpec

Field Description
name string The name of the lab node.
nodeTypeRef NodeTypeRef The type of the lab node.
interfaces NodeInterface array Array of interface configurations for the lab node. (currently not supported)
config string The configuration for the lab node.
ports Port array Array of ports which should be publicly exposed for the lab node.


LabInstanceSpec define which LabTemplate should be used for the lab instance and the DNS address.

Appears in: - LabInstance

Field Description
labTemplateReference string Reference to the name of a LabTemplate to use for the lab instance.
dnsAddress string The DNS address, which will be used to expose the lab instance. It should point to the Kubernetes node where the lab instance is running.


Defines the lab topology, its nodes and their configuration.

Field Description
apiVersion string ltb-backend.ltb/v1alpha1
kind string LabTemplate
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec LabTemplateSpec


LabTemplateSpec defines the Lab nodes and their connections.

Appears in: - LabTemplate

Field Description
nodes LabInstanceNodes array Array of lab nodes and their configuration.
neighbors string array Array of connections between lab nodes. (currently not supported)


Interface configuration for the lab node (currently not supported)

Appears in: - LabInstanceNodes

Field Description
ipv4 string IPv4 address of the interface.
ipv6 string IPv6 address of the interface.


NodeType defines a type of node that can be used in a lab template

Field Description
apiVersion string ltb-backend.ltb/v1alpha1
kind string NodeType
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec NodeTypeSpec


NodeTypeRef references a NodeType with the possibility to provide additional information to the NodeType.

Appears in: - LabInstanceNodes

Field Description
type string Reference to the name of a NodeType.
image string Image to use for the NodeType. Is available as variable in the NodeType and functionality depends on its usage.
version string Version of the NodeType. Is available as variable in the NodeType and functionality depends on its usage.


NodeTypeSpec defines the Kind and NodeSpec for a NodeType

Appears in: - NodeType

Field Description
kind string Kind can be used to specify if the nodes is either a pod or a vm
nodeSpec string NodeSpec is the PodSpec or VirtualMachineSpec configuration for the node with the possibility to use go templating syntax to include LabTemplate variables (see User Guide) See PodSpec and VirtualMachineSpec


Port of a lab node which should be publicly exposed.

Appears in: - LabInstanceNodes

Field Description
name string Arbitrary name for the port.
protocol Protocol Choose either TCP or UDP.
port integer The port number to expose.

Last update: June 29, 2023